Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Basketball Road Trip 2009

Are you ready for 3,250 miles of road? Well, we're getting ready for it. Here's the story and reason for the trip:

Peter was accepted to attend Michael Jordan's basketball camp in Santa Barbara, CA for the first week of August. The camp was paid for, airline tickets purchased, car rental, hotel stay, etc. Then, Peter got invited to join the Trinity basketball traveling team. The two traveling games would be right before and right after the MJ camp. We decided to make the commitment and have him join and get more national playing time on the court. Since the airline tickets were non-refundable we lost the $700 that we paid for those...what a shame. Running short on cash, we decide to drive the entire way.

Here's the trip itinerary:

29 : Leave Colorado, head to Las Vegas, NV and check in to the New Orleans hotel.
30 : First Day of Games
31 : Second Day of Games and leave by 5pm to Hyatt hotel in Thousand Oaks, CA

1 : Check out of hotel and drop Peter to MJ camp at Santa Barbara, CA. Check in at Crowne Plaza hotel in Ventura, CA
2-4 : Peter at camp; Gene, J and Tayler relax at the beach.
5 : Check out of hotel, pickup Peter at Camp head to Wichita, KS for tournament
6 : Arrive in Wichita, check in to Hilton hotel and go to first game
7-8 : Tournament games
9 : Check out of hotel and drive back to Colorado

Here's the planned route for our drive:

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