Saturday, August 1, 2009

Off to Michael Jordan Camp

We got up this morning and headed out to grab breakfast at a nearby buffet restaurant. Last night we realized that Peter needed more stuff for camp so after the morning grub, it was off to WalMart. Blankets, pillows, alarm clock, sheets, towels and other little items were found and paid for. Now, off we go to Santa Barbara!

It was around noon when we arrived at the camp location (University of Santa Barbara). Everything was familiar, like a blast from the past because we took Bo here in 2004. Now, our oldest is partaking in this awesome adventure. We waited in line to check Peter in and get his room key. To our surprise, Nia Long (Big Momma's House, Are We There Yet?) was standing in line with her son. That was sooooo cool.

After an hour or so, we got Peter checked in, his room all set up and provided him some funds for snacks and other incidentals. As parents it was difficult for us to leave him there, for Tay he knew he'd be without a brother and best friend for a few days. It was a sad moment, but we were all happy to see Peter grow up to be such a responsible young man.

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